Welcome to Operation Juice Box

My Story
Why was Operation Juice Box Started

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Operation Juice Box is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a positive relationship between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. The organization
provides free juice boxes, and other non-perishable goods such as crayons and coloring books, to law enforcement personnel which they, in turn, give to the public, with an emphasis on giving them to children. This simple gift creates a positive interaction and opens a dialogue between law enforcement and the public.
The goal is to break down barriers, develop relationships, and instill a positive image of law enforcement in the minds of our youth.
At Operation Juice Box our is to break down barriers, develop relationships, and instill a positive image of law enforcement in the minds of our youth.
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You Can Help Too
Operation Juice Box a charity in California. As an all-volunteer organization, 100% of cash donations are used to purchase juice boxes.
We also accept juice box donations (must be in original packaging). We also donate other small toys if a child is unable to have a juice box due to allergy or diabetes.

Operation Juice Box provides patrol deputies and police officers with juice boxes to pass out to the kids in the areas they patrol. Our one goal and our mission is to help build positive relationships between law enforcement and our youth, one juice box at a time.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret MeadFrom Our Founder
My Story

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce our non-profit organization, Operation Juice Box. We began in 2016 during a dark period for law enforcement when anti-sentiment was running painfully high with protests, rioting, and culminating with the horrific deaths of multiple officers in a single incident simply trying to protect the Dallas, Texas community. In the midst of these images it was impossible not to be struck by the faces of children present for these events, and realized the very real possibility that they may have never experienced a positive interaction with a deputy or officer. As a 9-1-1 dispatcher serving a diverse community, I realized more needed to be done than simply sitting around and saying something needed to change, I needed to make a move towards change.